Tuesday 25th of Februari 2014 from 18-22hrs
Resto VanHarte, Diamant Theater, Diamanthorst 183, Den Haag
Dear friends of our International Community,
After a beautiful New Years dinner (January 14, 2014) we would like to cordially invite you for our next interesting gathering, our first Meet, Greet, & Eat. At our New Years event, our new emancipation themes: World Religions and Philosophical Views were very warmly received by our guests and also by our municipalities and local politicians.
At our 1st serial Meet, Greet & Eat (MGE) on 25th February our focus will be WINWIDE’s Integration piler and we have chosen for the theme: Government and Politics. We will ask our municipalities and local politicians their vision about our new thematic programme and the integration of these themes into our western globalising Society. Various local political parties will present their vision about these beautiful and essential themes. Thereafter there will be a question moment. If you have burning questions about these topics, please contact Marianne Beelaerts, mbeelaerts@planet.nl . Marianne leads WINWIDE’s thematic programme and will try to address your questions as much as possible at the event.
The evening definitely promises to become an interesting event! Registration: 18th february latest.
Entrance fee: € 6,– incl. 3-course dinner and drinks. If the entrance fee will prevent you from coming, there are discount possibilities for students, 65+, and holders of an Ooievaarpas. Members of the thematic working group and our organisation team will have free entrance.
WINWIDE looks forward to meeting you on Tuesday 25th of February at Resto VanHarte, Diamanthorst 183. Starting time 18u.
Our kindest regards,
Sandra Fransz
director/23 januari 2014
N.B. Our speaking language is Dutch. Language support is available. If needed please contact Müzeyyen Ogulmus Brouwer via ogulmus21@hotmail.com